Saturday, August 31, 2019

Creative Writing – “Relief”

he phone rang. It broke the silence of my seething rage. Its high piercing sound irritated me for some reason. I wanted to scream. Lisa wouldn't normally cause me to feel that way (maybe it wasn't just Lisa, but she had been getting to me recently). As twins we were supposed to share a special bond, and usually we got on really well. Despite being only four minutes older than Lisa, I often felt strangely protective of her. With curly blonde hair and brown eyes we looked totally identical, but the similarities ended there. Lisa's favourite word was change; new outfit, new boyfriend, new hairstyle and so on. I was calmer. I had two very close friends – Hannah and Angie, and a steady boyfriend – Adam. That was another part of the reason why I was at home and in such a state. I had just got to the party, after being held up with my friend Laura, who was upset about family problems. Things between Adam and I had not been going well recently, and tonight he had arranged to meet me at six, so we could talk. It was nearly seven. I feared the worst, but friends do come first. However I was not prepared for the scene that met my eyes. I stood transfixed. Something sharp went straight through my heart. There stood Lisa and Adam, alone. Two of the people closest to me, I could not believe it. I ran. A huge bubble of emotion was trying in vain to escape from with in me, but it didn't seem to know how. I could feel tears welling up. I wanted to scream, hit someone, collapse in a heap and break down and sink into the ground all at once. Then my emotions quieted and he silent tears began rolling down my cheeks. I reached the deserted bus stop, when the bus came that was deserted too. My whole life seemed deserted. As soon as I was home I dialled Hannah's number then the grim realisation hit me: All my friends were at the party, my parents were out, my older brother – Phil was out. A fresh wave of rejection, anger, betrayal and total emptiness swept over me, and suddenly I felt very tired. I peeled off my clothes and went to bed. How could Lisa have done that? It wasn't something she would do. Borrowing my clothes? Yes. Shirking chores? Yes. Forgetting favours I asked her? Yes. Trying to sort out my love life with some crazy scheme and making it worse instead? Yes. But stealing my boyfriend? No. Adam? Did the last 10 months mean nothing to him? What about all the special times we had shared together? What about all the â€Å"I love you†s? I felt the bubble return. That was when the phone rang. I left it to ring. It cut off, and then rang again. This time I answered: â€Å"Hello† â€Å"Hello, is this the Scott house?† â€Å"Yes† â€Å"Who am I speaking to?† â€Å"Ali† â€Å"Alison? This is Hertfordshire police† What on earth could the police want? A new emotion hit me: Fear. I listened with trepidation. â€Å"There has been an accident on the railway bridge; Blue Ford Fiesta, young driver, medium build, blonde curly hair. We believe it to be your sister† Lisa. It was Lisa. â€Å"Where is she? Is she ok?† I asked. â€Å"She's at Princess Alexandra hospital. I think it's best if you get yourself up there as soon as possible. Your parents are there already.† I ended the conversation. I walked over to Sarah's to see if her parents drive me. I didn't think about it, I just did it. I couldn't think. Val and Mike were out. I went over to Helen's Helen's mum asked no questions. I couldn't have answered even if she had. She drove me in silence. It was only a twenty minute journey although it seemed to last forever. I was not crying. A strange numbness had come over me. I couldn't think or do or feel anything. There seemed to be a gap where my stomach was and my heart was beating so loudly the whole of Sawbridgeworth could probably hear. Finally we reached the hospital. Helen's mum put her arm around me and led me. Somehow she knew where to go. All my resentful thoughts about Lisa had melted. I felt empty, small and absolutely terrified. I found myself sitting in a green chair. It was a sick green, the green you always find in hospitals. I could see my dad looking grave, his arm around my mum, who was silently crying. Suddenly I noticed there was an arm around me, it was Adam's. I shook it off. A doctor stood by me; he held a glass of water and a small round white tablet. He was telling me to take it. â€Å"Where's Lisa?† I asked â€Å"They did all they could for her. She wanted to tell you something. She kept calling â€Å"Ali, Ali† all the time she was conscious. She said that she loved you. We think she was driving to see you. She was driving very fast, the roads are icy† He said He didn't need to tell me anymore. I knew. Lisa. Lisa was dead. Lisa was dead. It was my fault. I began to cry. â€Å"Ali, take the pill. You need it† It was Adam's voice. I could see Charlie and Amy sitting by him, looking concerned and upset. There was something odd about that, but I couldn't figure out what. I couldn't take the pill. They didn't understand. I had killed my sister. If I hadn't gone off she never would have driven to see me. They couldn't make me take drugs to numb the pain until there was none. â€Å"Alison, this is hard enough on your parents as it is, take it for them† coaxed the doctor I looked to my dad â€Å"Ali, this is hard on all of us, especially you, take the tablet, darling† he said in a hushed tone. Time passed in a blur. I had no idea if it was day or night, or how long I had stayed in my room. My mum kept bringing me those white pills. I was numb. I slept, cried, and just sat for hours, overwhelmed by shock, guilt and sheer emptiness. One morning my mum came in and asked me to come and see Lisa's room. I followed her and my dad. For no apparent reason I was now feeling scared. My mum opened the door. It felt as though it symbolised something but I didn't know what. I gasped. Lisa's room, usually strewn with clothes, makeup and everything else under the sun, was tidy. Moreover all her stuff had been removed and it had been redecorated. I couldn't take it. I broke down. Lisa was like my other half, I was incomplete without her. It was like being half dead. My dad looked at me; I could see it hurt him even to do that. Would it always be like this? Would I serve as a constant reminder of Lisa? â€Å"Ali,† a voice called. It was a familiar voice. It was Lisa. Was I dreaming? I closed my eyes and opened them again. I was lying in my bed. Lisa was shaking me. â€Å"Ali, you left the party. I didn't get a chance to tell you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I just looked at her, utterly bewildered. I reached out my hand and touched her. â€Å"You're alive, â€Å"I murmured. She looked a me briefly as though I was insane, then carried on, â€Å"Adam was waiting for you, and you didn't come. It was my fault things were going badly between you two, so I pretended to be you to make it all better. I was going to tell you, but I couldn't find you. I worked out what you saw, and I'm sorry.† â€Å"But Lisa, you're alive† I stammered. This time she looked at me even more quizzically, so I explained what had happened down to every last detail. â€Å"Ali,† said Angie gently, â€Å"it was a dream, it must have been. We're all fine, your mum and dad are out, and remember Charlie moved to Belgium in August.† I was totally dazed. I felt as if I had been asleep a few hundred years, instead of a few hours. â€Å"So Lisa isn't dead and she never went with Adam,† I said uncertainly. â€Å"I can't believe you even thought such a thing!† exclaimed Lisa. â€Å"Oh Ali, I'm so sorry† â€Å"Everyone's downstairs, I'll go down and explain. You come when you're ready.† said Angie. I couldn't restrain myself any longer. I whooped and threw my arms around Lisa, who looked shocked but pleased. My relief was so immense. I would never hate Lisa again. I was close on euphoric. I slipped my arm through Lisa's and we went downstairs. Amy and Miranda had made up some sandwiches, and after all that had happened I think we all needed them. I was still incredibly tired, but I felt the sudden urge to hug everyone. My emotions were running so high. When I hugged Adam he stroked my hair and whispered, â€Å"I'm sorry about everything that happened. I love you.† Before I knew it he was kissing me deeply. Charlie phoned to say â€Å"Happy new year.† Everyone looked so happy now. As Lisa said, â€Å"It's like a dream.† We all laughed. It felt so good. Relief.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Perception is reality! Oh really?

A couple of years ago, I witnessed what I thought was a man having trouble getting into his car. There was a man that must have been in his mid 60's tugging on his door handle to his car. I watched him try to fit his arm into a small opening in the widow on the passenger side of the car. Because of the age of this man, it never entered my mind that this man was trying to break into this car to steal it. Another thing that didn't fit the profile of a car thief was the way the man was dressed. He was dressed in a sports jacket and was wearing fairly decent trousers with nice shoes. I walked over to the man and asked him if there was anything I could help him with or if he needed to call someone. He told me he did not have a cell phone, so I offered the use of mine. The man declined saying he just bought the car a couple of weeks ago, and had not had a chance to get a spare key made. He was in the parking lot where I worked at, so I asked him if there was someone he knew inside the building that could give him a ride to the dealership where he bought the car from, and once again he declined by saying he had just stopped by to fill out an application. I asked him again if there was anything I could help him with because I didn't want to leave him just standing there helpless not able to get into his, and again he declined respectfully but started to sound irritated because of my repeated offers. I went back inside and stopped by the coffee machine for some coffee and started dwelling on this poor man. As I was walking back to my desk, I glanced out the window and saw him looking around as he continued to fit his arm in the window by pulling his sleeves up. I walked over to the receptionist and asked her what position the man had applied for, and she looked at me asking me what man I was talking about. I described him to her and told her I had just spoken to him in the parking lot to offer him help because he had either lost or locked his keys in the car. She had no idea who I was talking about, which I thought was strange, because she is the one that hands out applications. I walked over to the window and looked outside again to see if the man had gotten into his car yet. He was still there so I pointed the man out to the receptionist the man over by the white two door cavalier. After I pointed him out, the receptionist told me the man had came in the building to use the restroom, not fill out an application. I started to walk back to my desk but started to have an uneasy feeling about this man. I know what everyone in the office drives due to working late at night, and a bunch of us walk to our cars together. I went over to the electronic pre-press department and asked the supervisor if he knew anyone that drove a white two door cavalier, and he told me his proof-reader drives one. I told him about the man trying to get into a white two door cavalier outside. The supervisor ran over to the person that had a car fitting that description and told him. The employee ran to the window and told us that was his car. Two of our employees ran outside to stop the older man, but he had broken the driver side window and was pulling out of the parking lot. During this five minute time frame, someone had called the police and the man was stopped about a half of a mile down the road, but hit one of the police cars before stopping and did a lot of damage to the car. I have never felt so bad. If I had not let the man's appearance fool me, I might have been able to prevent the whole thing from happening, but then again, had I not questioned the receptionist and supervisor, the car would have been long gone. I learned basically; don't judge a book by its cover. Now when I see someone that is not familiar in the parking lot when I'm outside, or when I see someone in our building that I don't know, I ask the receptionist. Our division did not have very strict rules before of people coming in and out of the building, but now we have a guest sign in sheet and the nature of their business. This may not stop someone from trying to do this again, but then again it just might.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Blacks Of The Bible Essay Research Paper

Blacks Of The Bible Essay, Research Paper Blacks of the Bible Any effort to set up a universally recognized statement as to the presence of inkinesss in the Old Testament would be futile for several grounds. First, current definitions of a black or Negro individual may differ greatly dependent on the context of their use, and hence any survey aimed to demo the presence of inkinesss in the Bible would be limited to the definition used by either the writer or the reader of such a survey. Besides, the construct of race defined on a footing of skin colour entirely has been the comparatively immature creative activity of the Euro-centric western universe, station seventeenth century. Due to this fact, it is sometimes hard to find clearly the race of assorted peoples or individuals in the Bible ; the people of scriptural times do non portion the same construct of race that we carry today. In fact the Hebrew peoples themselves seem non to be of a pure racial strain of any colour, but instead the family tree of the Hebrew people, as will be shown subsequently, seems to be scattered with interracial matrimonies and people of most all races including the Negro race. Therefore, it is non my effort with this essay to show an thorough or important history of all the black peoples and individuals in the Old Testament. Rather it was my hope to get down to research the significance people of the Negro race clasp in these ancient texts, to happen out the function that these people held in the rise and autumn of the Hebrew state, and the portion that was played by Negroes in the working out of God? s will for his people. The history that I will supply is based most mostly on similar surveies presented by Afro-american scriptural bookmans Cain Hope Felder and Charles B. Copher. However, I have non taken the words of these work forces without a grain of salt, and I was certain to read their survey with their book in one manus and the Bible in the other. What I found was that people of dark tegument played an of import function in merely about every coevals dating about back to God? s creative activity of adult male. I had expected to happen a few scattered mentions to African peoples or a few random histories of persons who had traveled from the African continent, but my survey revealed that people of dark tegument, who really good may be considered black by today? s racial criterions, were found scattered about the states of the ancient universe. Beginnings of the Negro Race One of the first or most obvious inquiries that may be asked when get downing to look for the presence of inkinesss in the Old Testament is with respect to the beginning of dark skinned races. A logical topographic point to get down this hunt may be in the tabular array of states presented in Genesis 10:1-14 and once more listed in 1 Histories 1:8-16. This list begins with Noah and histories for the dispersing of his boies to get down repopulating the Earth after the great inundation history in Genesis. In this tabular array of states we find that two of the named boies of Ham are known dark skinned races. These being the posterities of Cush and the posterities of Canaan. The most normally accepted ground for the sudden visual aspect dark tegument within the family tree is related to the expletive Noah set upon Ham in Genesis 9:25-27. Although non explicitly stated in the text, it is by and large accepted that Ham? s tegument was turned dark as a consequence of this expletive, and hi s posterities were so destined to transport the same grade. There are, nevertheless, other hypotheses for the beginning of the black races. The first of these theories, expressed in antediluvian Babylonian myth, suggests that Ham defiled himself in a sexual act with the Canis familiaris while on the Ark. For this act of befoulment, expletives were placed on both the Canis familiaris and Ham. Ham? s expletive was that he and his posterities would be black-skinned. The following theory suggests that the Negro race really began back with Adam and Eve? s foremost boy Cain, who was turned black by the ashes of his inappropriate offering to God. The theory that Cain was in fact the male parent of the Negro race was a slightly prevailing idea among Europeans back every bit far as the twelfth century, and perchance farther as Cain? s posterities are depicted as black skinned in the narrative of Beowulf. However, this theory has merely been made philosophy in the Mormon church. This theory is closely tied to the narrative of Ham, by proposing that Ham took a descendent of Cain as his married woman, thereby bring forthing dark skinned offspring in Cush and Canaan. Still others theorize that the tabular array of states shown in Genesis and 1 Corinthians is a list of states that is merely inclusive of the states within the range of cognition of the writer, and in fact all of the races listed there are Caucasoid races. Among those excluded from this list would be the Indians, Chinese, Mongolians, Malaysians, and the Negroes. The theory suggests that there were other races of independent line of descent that were unknown to the writer at the clip of the Hagiographas. It seems that this would be strongly discredited by the established ideal that the great inundation was intended to pass over all people from the Earth, salvage Noah? s household. It would thereby be assumed that all races of the Earth are descendent of Noah. Whatever the account for the beginning of dark skinned races, Negro people clearly have been descendent of Noah? s boy Ham, and it is told in Genesis that Ham? s offspring were those who settled and built such great ancient metropoliss as Babylon, Nineveh, Sodom, and Gomorrah. In the Patriarchal Period Harmonizing to Genesis 11:31 Abraham, so Abram, was born and raised in the metropolis of Ur of the Chaldeans, whose dwellers included many dark skinned people descendant most likely from Babylonian colonists. Included among these people were the Sumarian people who referred to themselves as the # 8220 ; black headed 1s, # 8221 ; indicative of tegument colour non merely black hair. Abram took his married woman Sarai while still populating in Ur. Granted there is no expressed indicant that either Abraham or his married woman was born into a household with Negro heritage, but the great black presence in the part of his household? s beginning surely means that one must at least entertain that possibility. So it would be sensible to believe that the great patriarch himself, the male parent of the Hebrew people, may hold had some black blood in him. Regardless of the presence of Negro blood in Abraham? s line of descent it is surely clear that he had much contact with dark skinned people in the clip that he and Sarah spent in Egypt and Canaan. Both of these countries were settled by the posterities of Ham, and were inhabited most mostly by dark skinned people. Abraham and Sarah took an Egyptian housemaid named Hagar when they headed to Canaan, out of Egypt. It was subsequently through the Egyptian, Hagar, that Abraham bore his first boy Ishmael. Because Ishmael was born outside God? s compact with Abraham, he and his female parent were finally sent off, but they settled in the part merely E of Egypt and it is by and large believed that he took an Egyptian married woman and fathered the Arab race. In Egypt and the Exodus Egypt was a land of people of all colourss, but it has become more and more evident in recent scholarship that the great state of Egypt has been more a derived function of the African states descendant of Cush than of any in-between eastern peoples. In add-on to this, although most Egyptians were non as dark skinned as their Ethiopian neighbours to the South, the huge bulk of Egyptians had adequate black blood in them that they would surely hold been considered Negroes by most any definition used today. This fact is merely reinforced by the observation that the Psalms repeatedly poetically refer to Egypt as # 8220 ; the land of Ham # 8221 ; ( Ps. 78:51, 105:23, 106:22 ) . It must be remembered besides that the Hebrew people lived in bondage in Egypt for over four hundred old ages. Coevals after coevals of Hebrew was born, lived, died and was buried in the land of the Egyptian. During this extended clip period there is indi cation of at least a smattering of Hebrew adult females being taken by Egyptian work forces for a married woman, and one of Pharaoh? s girls, Bithiah, married a Hebrew adult male, and their kids are included among the kins of Judah after the expatriate, in 1 Histories 4:17-18. Through all the coevalss that came and passed while in the land of Egypt it is certain that some of these people came out of the land with a assorted heritage. A perfect illustration of this assorted heritage is in the blood line of Moses. Many of the members of Moses? household bear distinctively Egyptian names, most notably: Aaron, Hophni, Merari, Miriam, Putiel, Phinehas, and even the name of Moses himself. While most of these names may perchance hold been picked by opportunity and non to propose Egyptian, or Negro blood, the name Phinehas stands out as a possible index of the black blood that ran in Moses household. Eleazar, Moses nephew through his brother Aaron, named his first born Phinehas ( Ex. 6:25 ) which literally means # 8220 ; the Nubian # 8221 ; or # 8220 ; the Negro. # 8221 ; In add-on to the possibility of black blood running in Moses? lineage it without a uncertainty ran through his posterities, through his Midian married woman Zipporah. At one point after the flight from Egypt, Aaron and Miriam really spoke unfavourably of Moses and his # 8220 ; Cu*censored*e # 8221 ; married woman, Zipporah ( Num. 12:1 ) . In Israel and Judah Through the clip of the Judges we continue to see the outgrowth of Egyptian heritage in the blood lines of Moses and Aaron. The history of Eli and his two boies, from Aaron? s line, in 1 Samuel chapters 1 and 2, shows another illustration of Hebrew leaders with distinctively Egyptian names. In fact, Eli? s boies are named Hophni and, interestingly plenty, Phinehas, once more proposing a unequivocal black visual aspect. During the period of the incorporate Israel, there are several mentions to African or Cu*censored*e adult females that occur during Solomon? s reign. First is the history of Solomon? s favourite married woman, and Egyptian adult female. Offered to Solomon as confidence of an confederation with Egypt ( 1 Kgs. 3:1 ) , this nameless married woman was really Pharaoh? s girl. Many suggest that this is the same maiden that is written of in Solomon? s Song of Songs. Although the true individuality of this married woman unknown, other theories associate her with Moses? Cu*censored*e married woman, or suggest that it may hold been Abishag the Shunammite virgin that was brought to King David to soothe him in his old age and who was so inherited by Solomon upon David? s decease. No affair what the existent name of the inaugural written of in Song of Songs, this adult female was most surely dark skinned ( SS 1:5-6 ) . The following history that we find sing a black person during the clip of the incorporate Israel is that history of the Queen of Sheba, given in both 1 Kings 10:1-13 and 1 Chronicles 9:1-12. This queen over a part most likely found in southwest Arabia or Africa was most decidedly of African descent and had heard of Solomon? s great wisdom spoken of in her land. She came to Israel with rather a noteworthy train, genuinely demoing her wealth and power. She spent some clip with King Solomon inquiring him all of the inquiries that had been on her head. There was nil that he could non explicate to her, and she left rather impressed with the male monarch. The visual aspect of this queen is surely important as it relates to the black presence in the bible, as this is the first black adult female shown in a noteworthy place of power, and she is portrayed in a most positive and respectable mode. Through the clip of the Prophetss during the split lands of Judah and Israel, the lone mention to people of a Negro blood outside of the assorted Hebrew race is limited to occupying ground forcess and prognostications sing the autumn of the great African lands of Egypt and Ethiopia. These invasions and prognostications continued after the autumn of Israel, during the staying being of Judah, but there are a few noteworthy references. In the book of Amos the people of Israel are compared to the Cu*censored*es of the Ethiopian imperium. Traditional Euro-centric scholarship has interpreted verse 9:7 to propose that the Lord is looking instead unfavourably upon Israel, comparing them to a distant and detested people. However, it does non take much excavation to recognize that the Ethiopian land was at its prime at the clip when Amos was vaticinating. In the context of the transition, where God is reflecting on all the times that he has blessed Israel and picked her out of the quag, it see ms more appropriate that the mention to the Cu*censored*es is made to connote that God has non left the people and in fact he seems to assure that he bless them in the same mode that he has blessed the Ethiopian imperium of that peculiar dynasty. The book of Zephaniah provides a alone expression at the black presence in the Old Testament, through the suggestion that the writer himself may be dark skinned. The family tree that is given in Zephaniah 1:1 hints his blood line back four coevalss to Hezekiah, most likely the Judean male monarch. The most interesting portion of the family tree is non, nevertheless, the possible relation of the prophesier to Hezekiah, but instead his male parent? s name, Cushi. As is the instance with any scriptural inquiry where there is no expressed mention to the adult male? s race, there are multiple theories that attempt to explicate the name, or the mention, or the inclusion of the family tree in a mode as to wipe out the presence of black blood in one of the writers of the Bible. However, it seems that we have already shown that the Hebrew race was a assorted race, and with the full cognition of the scriptural tradition of names keeping important significance, it seems no stretch of the imagin ativeness to propose that Cushi was in fact a native Judean, but more than that, he was a most likely a Judean who besides happened to be a black adult male. Knowing that Zephaniah was born to Cushi, it seems merely logical that he excessively would be a native black Judean adult male, who the Lord spoke through as one of the minor Prophetss. After the autumn of Judah, there seem to be no more outstanding figures spoken of who had a definite black heritage, but through the expatriate the prognostications abound refering Egypt and Ethiopia? s autumn and ulterior reemergence. However, it may be worthy to observe that this period of expatriate took topographic point in Babylonia, whose native people were straight descendant of Cush. What Does it Mean?# 8220 ; It appears in literature from many periods of Old Testament history: in historical histories and prophetic prophets ; in Psalms and in the literature of love, the Song of Songs. From slaves to swayers, from tribunal functionaries to writers who wrote parts of the Old Testament itself, from lawmakers to Prophetss, black peoples and their lands and single black individuals appear legion times. In the venas of the Hebrew-Isrealite-Judahite-Jewish people flowed black blood. # 8221 ; This quotation mark Charles B. Copher used to shut his survey on the presence of the black/Negro in the Old Testament, and it seems the most appropriate manner to shut this essay every bit good. The black adult male and the black adult female played a critical function in the narrative of God? s people. The Negro was a portion of the narrative non merely as a friend at times or enemies at others, break ones back one coevals and maestro the following, but the black races besides fre quently played the portion of brother and sister, male parent and female parent, boy and girl. The narrative of the Hebrew is non the narrative of a purely Caucasic race that lived contemning his distant Negro neighbours. Rather the narrative of the Hebrew is the narrative of a assorted race of people, non concerned with a colour defined race, but unified under a common God through good times and bad, whether slave or free. Bibliography Felder, Cain Hope. Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation. Fortress Press: Minneapolis, MN. 1991 The Holy Bible: New International Version. Broadman A ; Holman Publishers: Nashville, TN. 1986 New Bible Dictionary: Third Edition. Inter-Varsity Press: Leicester, England. 1996 32d

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Chandler's claims for superiority of managerial capitalism' are Essay

Chandler's claims for superiority of managerial capitalism' are specific to a particular time and place and cannot be generalized disscuss - Essay Example But in Scale and Scope the essential thesis is that between the 1850s and the 1880s the transportation and communications networks established the technological and organizational base for the exploitation Ð ¾f economies Ð ¾f scale and scope in the processes Ð ¾f production and distribution. (p. 58) The entrepreneurial response in distribution preceded that in production because innovation in distribution was primarily organizational, not technological. The reasons for the decline Ð ¾f commission agents and the growth Ð ¾f full line, full service wholesalers and mass retailers is not entirely clear from Chandlers analysis.[1] Many Ð ¾f the names Ð ¾f the mass retailers that emerged after the Civil War are still familiar today and include Macys, Lord & Taylor, Strawbridge & Clothier, John Wanamaker, Marshall Field, and Emporium. Montgomery Ward and Sears Roebuck came to dominate the rural market, relying heavily on mail-order operations. These houses built administrative systems to handle more transactions in a day than most traditional merchants could handle in a lifetime. The laying down Ð ¾f railroad and telegraph systems precipitated a wave Ð ¾f industrial innovation in Western Europe and the United States far more wide ranging than that which had occurred in Britain at the end Ð ¾f the eighteenth century. This wave has been properly termed by historians the Second Industrial Revolution. . . (p. 62) and involved systemic innovations in oil refining, steel, machinery, glass, artificial dyes, fibres, fertilizers, and food processing. But for the potential Ð ¾f these innovations to be realized, entrepreneurs had to make the three pronged investment. [2] In industries where only one or two pioneering enterprises made the three pronged investment, these enterprises quickly dominated the market. More Ð ¾ften, however, the modern industrial enterprise in the United States appeared after merger or acquisition (p.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

MMPI-A (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent) Essay

MMPI-A (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent) - Essay Example that used obsolete language or seemed awkward, ambiguous, or sexist were rewritten to improve face validity and to decrease perceived offensiveness (Butcher et al.,1992, n.p.). The test item pool was shortened, including 20 items which performed the same or better psychometrically as the original version (Williams, Ben-Porath, & Hevern, 1994). The result was an instrument containing 567 True or False items, and includes the same 13 scales of the MMPI and MMPI-2, as well as a few additional validity and content scales. Sample items include, â€Å"My teachers have it in for me,† â€Å"My feelings are not easily hurt,† and â€Å"My parents often object to the kind of people I go around with† The items are spread over a variety of scales measuring different aspects of adolescent behavior and potential problem areas including family issues, eating disorders and chemical dependency. At the psychologists’ discretion, the clinical scales and three of the validity scales can be scored from the first 350 items. Its norms are adolescent-specific. The MMPI-A is used by schools, clinical and counseling psychologists to help support the diagnosis and treatment planning of problematic adolescents in a variety of settings. It helps identify the root causes of potential problems at its onset. Aside from providing crucial information easily understood by parents, teachers and others in the adolescent’s support network, it likewise guides professionals in making appropriate referrals. Clinicians administering the MMPI-A with 12-13 year olds who have sixth grade reading level and seems to be mature enough for the test should do it with caution especially in the interpretation of the results. Likewise, the clinician should be discerning when dealing with 18 year old respondents, as they are qualified for both the MMPI-2 and the MMPI-A versions. A suggested guideline would be to use the MMPI-A instrument with 18-year-olds who are still in high school and the MMPI-2 instrument

Monday, August 26, 2019

See Below Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

See Below - Assignment Example The world expected match to end the debate for good. The match broadcasted live from the Astrodome, to as many as thirty-six countries. During the match, King dominated the net, making Riggs run around the baseline. Billie King defeated Bobby Riggs in a stunning 6-4, 6-3, 6-3 straight sets win, in a match lasting two hours and four minutes, to prove that she was the most talented and gifted layer in contemporary tennis. On winning the match, Billie King flung her racquet in the air, and hugged her husband, who lifted her to the crowd’s applause. During her winner’s press conference, she touched on advice receive from Margaret Court, who had earlier lost heavily to Riggs (Roberts 10). Billie Jean King thus became the first woman to win a $100,000 prize in athletics. She paid tribute to her coach, Dennis van de Meer, by touching her tongue. In order to ease herself for her famous press conference, she walked barefoot after taking her blue sneakers off. The tennis match we nt down in history as the battle of the sexes, with credit for women’s equal share of sport money going to Billie Jean King, and her famous

Quality Assessments Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Quality Assessments Design - Assignment Example (No) (review only) (minimum progress) (progress meets objectives) Detail on Assessment instruments: B1: Writes comprehensive reports - assessment by essay The essay assessment item will be developed as follows: Instructions: A new training course has been designed for dyslexic students on the subject of food science. A range of adapted teaching aids has been designed and the course has been taught as a pilot during one college term of eight weeks. The course contents alternates between theory and practice of food science and students are expected to gravitate towards careers in food science or related fields such as catering, restaurants or factory food processing. Write an essay in the form of a report at the end of the pilot course period which details the different criteria for success and their relevance (15 marks), describes 5 results that might reasonably have been accomplished during the course (15 marks) and describes 3 future steps will be for the students (12). As a guideline, make the assumption that your report will undergo close scrutiny by a college committee dealing with new training courses, this committee being composed of individuals from a variety of different backgrounds who each have their own expectations as to what the report should cover. Time for this essay: 2 hours Total possible marks: 42 Assessors scoring guidelines: Score each essay in the following way: Look for evidence of understanding of the structure and flow of a report Avoid marking down for errors in spelling or grammar unless this renders any part of the essay unreadable or nonsensical Look for a wide range of points considered in the essay, corresponding to the varying profiles of the members of the committee referred to in... A new training course has been designed for dyslexic students on the subject of food science. A range of adapted teaching aids has been designed and the course has been taught as a pilot during one college term of eight weeks. The course contents alternates between theory and practice of food science and students are expected to gravitate towards careers in food science or related fields such as catering, restaurants or factory food processing. Write an essay in the form of a report at the end of the pilot course period which details the different criteria for success and their relevance (15 marks), describes 5 results that might reasonably have been accomplished during the course (15 marks) and describes 3 future steps will be for the students (12). As a guideline, make the assumption that your report will undergo close scrutiny by a college committee dealing with new training courses, this committee being composed of individuals from a variety of different backgrounds who each have their own expectations as to what the report should cover. You are required to present module 1 of the course "Soil Mechanics" to a class of students. You will have access to a whiteboard and appropriate markers that you should use to demonstrate effectiveness during your instruction.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business related Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business related - Term Paper Example Therefore, I will be living my dream. However, a number of requirements are need for one to start a business. A good plan enables an individual to achieve long-term success. The paper describes an approach and the direction that an individual also chooses determine his or her level of success. Preparation of an adequate business plan is the initial stage of starting a new business. In most cases, an individual may have different business ideas. However, at this stage, he is required to choose the ideal idea that he will implement. When a decision is finally made, the appropriate business plan is designed. It helps in laying the foundation of the business (Ligthhelm 131-153). The main aim of a business plan is to determine the marketing roles that are required. This means that all the needs of the sales department must be cleared defined. This will involve both the sales and marketing departments. Further, the business plan must define the kind and role of management that is required in that particular business. Management plays an important role in ensuring the success of the business. It deals with all the required personnel and how resources will be utilized in a different department. Generally, the management is supposed to run the whole business. The business plan mus t clearly outline the role of the management in the entire business. In addition, the business plan must outline the financial plans of the business. Mainly, this is the capital that is requires to start and run a business. It is expected to cater any purchases, bills and salaries of the employees. An individual is supposed clearly outline the capital needs of the business. To be precise, he is supposed to determine the amounts required to establish the business itself. It may also include other costs and expenses that will be incurred in the first cycle of the business. A concrete business plan makes it easier to define the financial needs of the company. At this stage, an individual is

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Management portfolio Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Management portfolio - Research Paper Example Microsoft is a leader in their field, and the role of Sr. QBE Program Manager would provide me the opportunity to see the rewards of my hard work. A section of Microsoft’s value statement is: â€Å"We take on big challenges, and pride ourselves on seeing them through. We hold ourselves accountable to our customers, shareholders, partners, and employees by honoring our commitments, providing results, and striving for the highest quality.† (Values, 2010). This focus on constant improvement is one reason why I would enjoy the Program Manager role. (2010) mentions that the individual in that role will drive continuous improvement through Microsoft processes worldwide (LinkedIn, 2010). In addition, the Program manager will use best practices techniques in leading and mentoring others on the team in their projects (LinkedIn, 2010). Being able to lead and teach others techniques that I mastered through time and effort would be a rewarding experience. The type of positive environment at Microsoft can be seen from their formal global diversity and inclusion strategy for the future (A Vision and Strategy for the Future, 2010). Three hubs of the strategy are: (1) representation; (2) inclusion; and (3) innovation. The part that I found in particular appealing was the inclusion strategy. In this, the company wants to engage their employees in meaningful careers and encourage employees to focus on social networking, cultural awareness, community service, heritage celebrations, and career development (A Vision and Strategy for the Future, 2010). The company appears to realize the importance of each of these items for employee development and wishes to assist the community and their employees. Cynthia Solomon was a previous Microsoft employee and mentioned that the Sr. Program Manager is responsible for project oversight from the start until it is implemented (Jimenez, 2002). In

Friday, August 23, 2019

Answer question youtube video Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer question youtube video - Essay Example Buddhism connects with science through the impartial investigation of nature that the religion aptly covers in its doctrines and teachings. Dhamma-Vicaya is defined to be the natural process of identifying one. According Jill, full meditation without destruction helped her reach that point to make decisions that come along with peace. The left lobe of her brain aided in recovering her past and future life. The right one helped her in coordinating the lessons she learned with language that she would understand. The meditation of Jill relates to the ways through which Buddhists extracted their teachings, and there Jill’s meditation is synonymous to Buddhism. Scientifically, the human brain works in coordination, as left side transmits the neuro-impulses to the right lobe and the reverse. Dr. Jill was able to reach vipassana through meditation and coordination of the neuron messages in her two sides of the brain. She was able to prove that there is a link between Buddhism and science through the contemplation process. She was able to link herself while dead while brain neurons transmitted into her impulses of life. After this, she was freed and came back to life feeling peace within her, something that Buddhist experienced while trying to connect nirvana with vipassana within their doctrines and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Sexual Selection Essay Example for Free

Sexual Selection Essay Ornamental traits have always been known to be important in attracting mates. However, it has been unclear for a long time why this is the case. The sexy sons hypothesis proposes that females choose showier males and engage in polygamous relationships in order to maximize the viability of their offspring. The pathogen avoidance model states that females select for showier males in order to protect themselves and eventually their offspring from infection as these males are overall more healthy. Both theories fall short in that they do not acknowledge the importance of parenting in the health of offspring as sometimes, theoretically more viable offspring don’t thrive due to having low amounts of paternal care. I analyzed many different studies that have been performed throughout the years in an attempt to unravel this clash of views among many respected evolutionary biologists. Though it is inconclusive which theory of sexual selection is more representative of nature, this paper demonstrates the complexities involved in both theories and why potentially, both may be correct in one way or another. Introduction Sexual Selection is a very important driving force in nature and even in our everyday lives. However, it is important to note that it is only prevalent if it goes against mechanisms of natural selection. Essentially, secondary sex traits are costly to the individual and are therefore not optimal to have. Instead, one must acknowledge that the goal of an organism’s existence in an evolutionary standpoint is to reproduce. Having these costly ornaments is only selected for because they must in some way increases an individual’s likeliness to produce offspring—even at the cost of survivorship and viability. Two very important mechanisms of sexual selection that are known are the sexy son hypothesis and the pathogen avoidance model. The sexy son hypothesis states that females choose males with showier or more attractive traits in order to select for genes for pathogen resistance in order to pass those â€Å"good genes† onto their offspring. The pathogen avoidance model states that females select for males with secondary sex traits in order to distinguish between the diseased and the healthy males in order to stay safe from pathogens. Both theories are widely used to explain many evolutionary trends, but are they mutually exclusive? It is possible that both theories are correct in certain scenarios. However, one must look into the mechanisms of both in order to find out. Overview of Sexy Sons Hypothesis  The sexy son hypothesis which was popularized by Ronald Fisher is currently stated as a possible explanation for the great diversity of ornamental traits in animals. These ornamental traits are known to negatively affect the longevity of the individual but benefits its reproductive success. Essentially, females prefer to choose attractive and showier mates in order to produce attractive sons who are selected for by females, which leads to greater amount of grandchildren and so on. On top of that, through this theory, the idea is presented that females don’t simply select for the trait itself, but instead for the possession of the trait. The difference, no matter how subtle, is important to acknowledge because theoretically, a male may possess a trait that is actually harmful to the mating relationship but is still desirable. As long as the trait itself signals â€Å"better genes† in terms of offspring health, it doesn’t matter what the trait itself isthe possession of that trait is enough. One such example of this is the trait of infidelity in a monogamous relationship. Though it is â€Å"better† to remain in that single mate relationship for the female because it allows her genes to be passed down instead of another member of the same species, the trait of infidelity may actually signal vigor and health in males and thus, the female will still be attracted. This leads to children who are also non-monogamous and through many generations, the non-monogamous, â€Å"good genes† are passed down to multiple grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. Another aspect of the sexy son hypothesis involves female selection for male genes through the selection of â€Å"good sperm†. In terms of long term success in reproduction (offspring which also produce many offspring), individuals should encounter many potential partners and when better partners are found, they should re-mate in order to maximize health of offspring. It is apparent the sexy son hypothesis argues heavily against monogamy and in favor of polygamy due to polygamy’s ability to maximize mate quality and quantity. The current social structure in many species today including humans revolves around monogamy, and the sexy son hypothesis proposes that monogamy is simply not optimal due to not maximizing reproductive success. The question arises: why does monogamy exist in many social constructs if it is contradictory to the single goal of evolutionto reproduce? Thus, it is important to justify the presence of monogamy in order for the sexy son hypothesis to hold true. It is a prevalent question in the scientific community to this day why monogamy exists. Most families in nature involve heavy emphasis on maternal care which leads the male to provide for and invest in less than the female parent. Natural selection has so far favored this relationship where females invest a lot of energy into caring for offspring while males compete with other males of the same species for females. What current evolutionary biology supports is that that optimal mating protocol involves the pursuit of many partners to maximize offspring. Fit males are defined by the statement that If x is fitter than y, then probably x will have more descendants than y (Pence, C., and Ramsey, G., 2013). Essentially, a fit individual is one whose probability of spreading their genes to the next generation is relatively high which only seems to back up the theoretical prevalence of polygamy where monogamy currently exists. Many theories for the justification of the presence of monogamy exist but I will be going over the process of male mate guarding. Male mate guarding is defined as the close association between a male and female prior to and/or after copulation for paternity assurance (Brotherton, et al. 2003). One thing that a group of evolutionary biologists discovered was that the availability of partners plays a large role in this discrepancy (Schacht, Ryan, and Adrian V. Bell 2016). What this means is that in communities where males are valued over females (male-biased gene pool), for example in humans, females to mate with may be a scarce resource. This may lead the males to act in their best interests and achieve paternity with one female. This is possibly because with a lack of females, each female is viewed as more â€Å"valuable† and thus paternity with multiple females may have too big of a time expended/risk to reward ratio as competition will be extreme. This leads to males that are more fit to mate with the limited number of females and the males that are not as fit will be left out as there are such limited resources. This shows that in the sexy sons hypothesis, the concept of limited female availability is not accounted for as the primary goal is to maximize offspring fitness and survivability by mating with numerous different mates. Though I have talked about male mate guarding, the same concept applies to females in the context of sexual selection as females must be choosy with males (limited males) and expending too much time with non fit males (time expended vs reward) takes away from potentially producing offspring.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Child Responsibilities Essay Example for Free

Child Responsibilities Essay Many parents may be very strict on their kids when it comes to doing things like playing with fire, using power tools, having a job, or even owning a pocket knife, but I on the other hand, disagree. Although I understand that it’s very dangerous for kids to be handling such things, it also builds their character. You wouldn’t just allow any kid to be in charge of such thing, they must have maturity and responsibility up to a certain point to be able to be trusted in these situations. A speech titled â€Å"5 Dangerous Things you should let your kid do† by Gever Tulley on talks about kids who are allowed and even encouraged to do things most parents would never dare to let their kids be involved in. Tulley discusses how kids who participate in these activities build strong character. It’s good for kids to be in these kinds of environments as long as they already have responsibility up to a certain level. An issue similar to this that is thrown around in politic and economic discussions now days is child labor. Should we allow kids to have jobs? Should families who are economically struggling allow their kids to work in order to bring in enough food and necessities to the family? I don’t see a problem in child labor. Like Tulley, I agree with these ideas and think they build better personalities and make a child more understanding. Although, I do not think that a family should be able to force a kid to work, it’s also important to a kid’s childhood that they get a chance to be a kid, and not have to worry about work. The earlier a person starts working, the bigger chance they have to be successful in life. I can understand why some parent’s wouldn’t be willing to let their kids be in such environments, these environments can be very unsafe sometimes. A kid could have the possibility of cutting a finger off, or doing something that they would have to live with for the rest of their lives, but with adult supervision this is less likely to happen. Although UNICEF has stated that children are more likely to get hurt then adults because they have yet to learn what not to do, we have to understand that getting hurt can happen in any activity that a person participates in, that’s just part of life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Quantitative Chemical Analysis

Quantitative Chemical Analysis Quantitative chemical analysis, which is commonly referred to as stoichiometry, is the quantitative relationship between the reactants and the products in a balanced chemical equation. The term stoichiometry is a combination of two words derived from the Greek language: stoicheion (meaning element) and metron (meaning measure). Stoichiometric calculations are dependent upon the law of conservation of mass which states that all matter cannot be created nor destroyed, thus in any chemical reaction that occurs in a closed system the mass of the products is equivalent to the mass of the reactants. Due to such laws of nature, a chemical equation must be balanced in order for the amounts to remain equivalent following the reaction (Chemical Stoichiometry). The coefficients in a balanced chemical equation represent the ratio between the particles in a perfect reaction, where all the particles in a chemical experiment will react. These ratios are also classified as the stoichiometric or mola r ratio, which can be compared between any of the compounds in a reaction, which includes both reactants and products. These ratios can be used interchangeably for any particle in stoichiometric calculations because moles simply represent a specific amount of particles, thus the molar ratio within the equation is the proportional relation of each element or compound to one another. Stoichiometry is also useful when calculating mass ratios because if the mass of any substance in a reaction is known, the mass of any other substance can be calculated (â€Å"Reaction Stoichiometry†). Stoichiometric calculations are very important in real life applications because having the accurate proportions of any item is important when limited amounts of a certain reactant is present, which is useful to reduce cost and waste. Additionally, stoichiometry is significant in the field of chemistry as chemical calculations can be used to prevent overdose since many chemicals may be toxic in inade quate amounts. An example of an everyday stoichiometric calculation can be displayed through the act of making a smore. Two crackers, one marshmallow, and three chocolate squares must be used to formulate an entire smore (as show in figure 1). One can only be formed if exact amounts of each ingredient is used. However if only 1 cracker is available, a smore could no longer be formed. Figure 1. Stoichiometry is most commonly used when one reactant completely reacts with the other in a chemical reaction. These absolute amounts are called theoretical yield. On the other hand, when performing a lab, the reactants will not be in perfect stoichiometric amounts because of potential errors that occur during an experiment. Therefore the actual yield of an experiment may not correspond to the theoretical yield. In order to find the percent yield, the theoretical yield must be divided by the actual yield and multiplied by one hundred. Examples of errors that may result in loss of yield include temperature, surface area, pressure, medium, the purity of the reactants, procedural mistakes, poor technique, lab accidents, or miscalculations (Theoretical and Percent Yield). As well, competing reactions can also contribute to the loss of yield. These reactions occur at the same time as the initial reaction, and consequently use the compounds and element in the initial reactions. Due to the many factors can contribute to the amount of yield lost, it is important that their effects are considered once performing the experiment. In stoichiometric calculations there will most often be leftover reactants causing a short supply, due to the imperfect quantities of each reactant due to the potential errors or an insufficient amount of a reactant. In an equation that is not in a perfect stoichiometric ratio, a limiting and excess reactant will always be present. The limiting reactant is the one that forms the smaller amount of product, thus stopping and limiting the reaction after it is completely consumed. While, the excess reactant is the one that is leftover after the reaction is stopped by the limiting reactant (Chemical Stoichiometry). Using the smore as an example, if an insufficient amount of ingredients are present than a smore cannot be formed. If there are four crackers, one marshmallow, but only five pieces of chocolate squares, only one smore will be assembled instead of two. Hence, in this scenario the chocolate squares would be the limiting reactant. Even though the chocolate squares represent the la rgest number of ingredient, an inadequate amount is present therefore the rest of the ingredients will appear in excess. It is important to always use the limiting reactant to determine the final product. If an excess reactant is used, there would not be enough of the limiting reactant to create the product. In addition, it is not possible to determine the limiting reactant instantly from the masses given, since stoichiometry is in proportions by moles. The mass of each compound cannot be compared because the molecular weight of each compound is different. Nevertheless, compounds can be compared by moles since molecules react on a molecular level which makes the amount consistent throughout the chemical equation. For example, the amount of one mole of hydrogen is equivalent to one mole of carbon, although one mole of hydrogen weighs 1.01 grams while a mole of carbon weighs 12.01g. Therefore, in all standard stoichiometric calculations any measurement must first be converted into mol es in order to be compared to another (MOLS, PERCENTS, and STOICHIOMETRY). The purpose of the lab performed is to produce two grams of copper through a single displacement reaction between Copper (II) Chloride Dihydrate and solid Aluminum. When determining whether a single displacement reaction will take place, the activity series (See Apendix _) must be considered. Given that Aluminum is higher on the activity series than copper, meaning that it is more reactive, the Aluminum will begin to bond with the chlorine, thus replacing the Copper in the Copper (II) Chloride compound. This would result in the Copper (II) Chloride compound to break apart, creating solid Copper and Aluminum Chloride solution. Another factor that must be considered when performing a single displacement reaction, is that the compound must be changed into an aqueous solution, in which the element would then be placed. Consequently, Copper (II) Chloride Dihydrate must be dissolved in water when creating an aqueous solution. An exact amount of 4.23 grams of aqueous Copper (II) Chloride an d as well as 0.566 grams of Aluminum must be used in order for a perfect reaction to occur, which was established through stoichiometric calculations (See Apendix _). However, this experiment required Aluminum to act as the excess reactant, therefore 1 gram of Aluminum was obtained instead of 0.566 grams. Additionally, since only Copper (II) Chloride Dihydrate is available, and the anhydrous form was used in the balanced chemical equation, the amount of the hydrous form must be found in order to identify how much must be utilized. Through stoichiometric calculations (See Appendix _), 5.36 grams of Copper (II) Chloride Dihydrate would need to be acquired for a perfect reaction to take place. Although, since lab data is not generally accurate due to procedural inaccuracies, the actual yield obtained during the trial may not correspond to the theoretical yield, which was determined using the stoichiometric calculations. Without error exactly two grams would be produced, however an oxid ization process will occur which will consequently add on additional weight to the solid copper product. Due to oxidization and as well the possibility of not being able to remove excess aluminum from the product, the estimated yield percent would most likely be over 100%, but may be balanced out if any errors in the process of the trial take place. WORK CITED Source: Boundless. â€Å"Reaction Stoichiometry.†Boundless Chemistry. Boundless, 14 Nov. 2014. Retrieved 18 Apr. 2015 from

Monday, August 19, 2019

Societies Scapegoat :: essays research papers

Societies Scapegoat   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Youth crimes are on a continual rise. It seems that everyday violent offenders keep getting younger and more aggressive. We turn on the news only to hear that a ten year old mugged,shot,stabbed,beat or blew up one of his peers. With crimes on the rise involving children, people begin to look for a cause. Society, when looking for a scapegoat, becomes worse than a blood thirsty lynch mob at a witch trial. Usually the most obvious source of violence within a home is the television. However, in most cases it is not the true cause. With the TV in the forefront of virtually every home in the civilized world, it's no wonder that it's the easiest target for criticism. It's elementary to blame the tube for a child's behavior; it's a quick and easily identified source of violence within a youths confined world. The TV many times is identified as the cause of aggressive acts to avoid dealing with other underlying issues. Society today has an entire array of different afflictions that plague us from day to day. The television is of very little significance alongside the landfill of troubles that influence children today. Besides, trying to get networks to cut out violence and aggression entirely would be like trying to get Jesus Christ to write a top ten list of reasons why Christianity sucks. (It's not going to happen.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  TV is not the reason that our youth courts are filled to capacity with court dockets so hideous you would swear that you were looking at the start of the apocalypse. Television programs are not the reason for the apparent increase in adolescent crime. If you find yourself picking up your kids from the police station all the time, it's not the TV's fault!!! There are no significant consequences for youth crime in our justice system. Maybe we should impose stiffer penalties on violent offenders, instead of more censorship on TV. Kids would not have such a tendency to mug, beat, strangle or shoot their peers if there were tougher consequences for doing so.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Japanese are responsible for some of the most violent cartoons ever created to date. I mean these things make our R rated movies look like a walk in the park. Japanese cartoons display bloodshed and drug induced murdering sprees as if they were nothing. Even with all this vicious behavior on Japanese televisions, the youth crime and aggressive behavior is one tenth of ours. How can this be? Because the Japanese have adopted a zero tolerance policy for criminal behavior and reprimand criminals with a vengeance.

Starting a New Business Essays -- Setting Up a Business

Introduction As Regina Meyers contemplates opening a Satanic coffeehouse in her hometown, she must make a number of critical business decisions related to business organization, ownership, structure, and management. A number of her friends and family members have expressed interest in partnering with her or simply being involved. As Regina’s legal adviser, I have been asked to provide advice to her on a variety of topics outlined below. Business: Friends, Family, and Foes As an entrepreneur and business owner myself, I applaud Regina for taking the first steps towards establishing her business - a Satanic coffeehouse – while also respectfully providing advice based on some of my personal lessons learned. The first, and from my perspective the most important, decision Regina must make is related to the ownership structure of her business. While respecting that Ben, her husband, is willing to make a capital investment in the business but does not desire to participate in the operation and management, Regina needs to ensure that, as a married couple, they both understand and accept the responsibilities and risks involved with starting a business. From the information presented in the background notes, I am concerned that Ben’s pledge of a financial investment in the proposed company was from personally managed funds and not jointly-managed funds. If, indeed, the financial support pledged was from her husband’s personal funds, I would respectfully advise Regina against the accepting the investment as the marriage relationship would likely suffer by adding a non-union investor-investee financial relationship. With this noted, if Ben’s financial contribution is actually a confirmation supporting the use of their joint financial re... ...trieved from BCP Business Center: Gaston Regional Chamber. (2013, December 2). Just starting out/business formation. Retrieved from Gaston Regional Chamber: North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State. (2013, December 2). Search for a corporation by name. Retrieved from Corporations Division: United States Patent and Trademark Office. (2013, December 2). Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). Retrieved from United States Patent and Trademark Office: Wagner, E. (2013, September 12). Five reasons eight out of ten businesses fail., p. 1.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Information of Racial Intolerance :: Racial Intolerance Obscenity Society Essays

Information of Racial Intolerance Intolerance: There are several forms of intolerance but in this case I am referring to that of racial intolerance. Ideas on the subject: †¢ Racial intolerance is an unfair act done by many in the present time. †¢ It shows ignorance and arrogance in the person. †¢ You would think that after so many years and so many advances that today’s society would be able to look past racial differences. †¢ Racial intolerance affects everyone in the world no matter what race or ethnicity they pertain to simply because it is a clear threat to justice and equality everywhere. Changes that need to be made: †¢ To minimize the racial intolerance of today’s world I believe we first have to educate our children of the inhumanity and unnecessary that it brings into society and people everywhere. †¢ I also believe that those who have deep-based angers towards other races should consider looking into some sort of medical attention to trace their hatred and rectify it. †¢ Lastly we should all work together and instead of magnifying the acts of a few or the bad characteristics of some we should look at every race as a whole, acknowledge the good in all people, and acknowledge the possibility that one or a few persons do not determine an entire race. Melissa Serna October 18, 2000 Period: #2 AP English III It’s everywhere you look†¦ Obscenity, according to Webster is anything that is offensive to decency or lewd. Our society is filled with obscenities everywhere you turn, whether it is on television, in a novel, or even in a school. An obscenity can be almost anything, depending on whom it is that sees it, and what their personal standards of decency are. Obscenities can be found anywhere now a days. For example, obscenities can be found in a gory scene from a movie, or even in a movies sexual content. Some CD’s are classified with an â€Å"explicit lyrics† label, meaning they have some sort of indecent song lyrics.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Sase study, Decision making, Essay

1. Describe what an entrepreneur is, using examples to illustrate why Peter Cruddas is a good example of an entrepreneur. ANS : An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking, assuming the risk for the sake of profit. An entrepreneur needs to be good at risk taking, organization and innovation. This case study focuses on the entrepreneur Peter Cruddas, who set up his own business CMC Markets in the early 1990s with just  £10,000 of capital. Peter was able to spot a gap in the financial services market by using the latest technology at that time – the internet. Peter took the risk, got in first and quickly took the lead. He built a new online platform which was a great innovation at the time. His innovation led to a better way of managing client’s needs as dealers in financial markets needed several different accounts, all with different types of software, which was inefficient and unproductive, a problem that Peter’s services solved. Thus in Peter Cruddas is a good example of an entrepreneur who has made a lot of progress by encompassing innovative ideas, organizing them well and taking the risk to go ahead with them. 2. Explain the main traits of an entrepreneur and show which of these Peter Cruddas demonstrated in setting up and establishing CMC Markets. ANS : The main traits that an entrepreneur must have are : 1) he should not be afraid to take risks. 2) he should be innovative in his ideas and approach so as to take smarter and more informed decisions and risks. 3) he should have the ability and the capriciousness to organize these ideas and innovations in form of a profitable business, taking advantages of all the opportunities and financial windows at his disposal. Peter Cruddas, who set up his own business CMC Markets in the early 1990s with just  £10,000 of capital, took a great risk, starting out. But he used his abilities to organize and innovate, setting up very creative and efficient online platforms to take his business to a higher level. He demonstrated the most capricious attitude about the execution of his ideas and that paid off. CMC Markets is now a global company and Peter Cruddas is the wealthiest businessman in the city of London. CMC has 18 offices around the world, employs 1,250 people and has around 250,000 clients. The business continues to grow rapidly. In 2008 CMC carried out 21 million trades (buying and selling). 98% of these trades were online. 3. Analyse how CMC Markets got the balance right between rewards and risks in its Innovations. ANS: Often in business there is a positive relationship between risk and reward. In simple terms, the greater the risk you take the more potential there is for high profits. Peter took on an enormous risk when he left his secure job to set up his own business. He took another risk in using his own capital in his new venture. However, Peter lowered the risk by conducting market research. He talked to potential customers to see if they were willing to subscribe to his service and how much they were willing to pay. The key factors that helped CMC balance rewards and risks are: Take risks – but spread them. CMC offers many types of financial trading opportunities in addition to foreign exchange. †¢ Make sure to have a regular income coming in. †¢ Work hard. †¢ Keep control of the business. †¢ Have as wide a customer base as possible. †¢ Keep introducing and pushing through new ideas. †¢ Think laterally – new and non-conventional ideas. 4. To what extent does a new enterprise depend upon the skills of the entrepreneur? Justify your decision. ANS: The skills of an entrepreneur are very vital to the functioning of the enterprise. No enterprise can be a success if it’s head and the person with the most responsibility and decision making power, lacks in certain vital skills. Not only should the entrepreneur be insightful, innovative and brave at taking risks, but he must be a good manager, hire the right people for the right jobs and provide a good working environment and motivation to it’s employees to ensure a smooth functioning. Also, an entrepreneur needs to make quick and fast decisions and be very smart about the marketing of his company. He should be good at dealing with clients too. These things are very vital to the working of any company and the person who runs it must be skilled at them. The business greatly depends on the innovative, brave and organized attitude of the entrepreneur.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Nursing: Promising Pathways

I once heard it said that vocation should be the place where your greatest talents meet the world’s greatest needs.   For me the intersection between those two things lies in nursing.   Without question nursing has become one of our country’s greatest needs, as the deficit for certified nurses rises and more and more people in our nation’s hospitals are cared for by unqualified nurses.  Ã‚   Likewise, I believe that my greatest talents lie in this field and that my skill set will help me to provide the highest standard of care at a time when patients need it the most. Nursing is not the glamorized profession that one often sees on popular television shows.   It is not about looking pretty in a white uniform.   From my experience, being a nurse is actually the opposite of all that.   It entails working long hours and doing a lot of hard work. These are all part of why I chose to be a nurse. All the hard work and the fatigue pay off in the end when one has been able to save lives and make patients feel more comfortable during their times of need. In addition to the need that I will be fulfilling in my nursing career, I believe that it will be a rewarding job, as I will have the opportunity to help and to care for many people.   I have a passion for working closely with patients, regardless of their background or beliefs, and I believe that nursing is not merely a way to make a living, but a means of giving back to society. Not only will nursing be a rewarding and meaningful career for me, but my specific skill set gives me a great deal to offer my patients and my colleagues.   I am competent in Professional Health Care Management with the ability to provide and promote the highest standards in the rapidly changing and ever demanding Healthcare sector, driven by a vast global economy and vibrant technological innovation. I am attentive to detail, highly organized with strong analytical and decision-making skills. I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, allowing me to provide care, compassion, and emotional support for irritable, stressed and ill patients.   I am highly knowledgeable in current and pertinent issues within and without the Healthcare sector.   I am able to work under pressure for long hours and to do a considerable amount of lifting such as moving patients, assisting with toileting needs and responding to emergencies.   I have a polished professional demeanor, which enables me to develop and maintain relationships with professionals in the healthcare sector. Furthermore, I have excellent conversational skills in three international languages; English, Spanish and Italian. I believe that my prior experience and my education will also help me to contribute significantly to this field.   I received a Pre-Med and Trustee scholarship to attend Suffolk University in Boston, where I major in Radiation Biology.   I have also become certified as a Phlebotomy technician, EKG technician and a Medical Clinic assistant.   Furthermore, I am pursuing a nursing assistant course as a State Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at the American Red Cross in Peabody, MA where I am learning procedures such as psychosocial care, restorative care, resident personal care, resident rights, communication, general safety procedure and infection control. In addition to my training, I have also held several positions in the medical field that have both increased my knowledge and proved to me that nursing is indeed the field that I want to dedicate myself to.   Since 2006 I have worked as a Radiation Therapist Intern at the Massachusetts General Hospital/ Brigham and Women Hospital / DFCI Boston. My responsibilities include accurate positioning of patients for treatment, operation of advanced medical equipment, quality assurance and providing competent patient care. I am also in charge of assisting the oncologist and the physician with treatment plans during delicate procedures.   From 2005 to 2006, I worked as a Medical Assistant at Alexyenko Medical Associates Lynn, MA. My duty was to assist in phlebotomy and EKG procedures. These are delicate procedures that demand the maintenance of high standards, both of which I believe I showed great aptitude for. I aim to work for an organization where personal growth is encouraged, human values are nurtured and talents are utilized in the attainment of organizational goals. I would like to be able to apply what I have been learning so far by taking a hands-on and direct approach.   I would like to attain a Masters Degree in order to gain the knowledge and experience to better prepare myself for medical school.   By earning my degree, I am being both practical and responsive to the needs of the time.   It is practical because I have chosen a career that will allow me to utilize my talents and experience, and responsive because there is an overwhelming need for qualified nurses. I believe that I have had an abundance of valuable experiences and talents to offer the healthcare field.   My prior positions have taught me both technical and soft skills. Technical competence is a core requisite of being successful in any profession. And yet more than this, my exposure in these institutions has taught me fortitude, patience, love of authentic service, and a strong spirit of volunteerism. My desire to be of real service to others has compelled me to move ahead and take advanced studies in this field.   It is with great joy and excitement that I join the place where my talents meet one of our country’s critical needs.   

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Hip-hop in the South Bron Essay

Hip-hop surfaced in the South Bronx and the northeast areas of New York in the early and mid 1970s. Hip hop was so named because of its intrinsic beat. Its popularity began to increase exponentially in the 1980s (Bertram, 1999, p. 42). Hip Hop exists not only in a musical form. Hip-hop as it is known today also represents a style of dress, a distinct language, a particular perspective of viewing the world as well as an expressive form that reflects the feelings of a large section of youth who were born between 1965 and 1984 (Aidi, 2004, p. 108). The hip-hop culture consists of at four distinct elements. Disc jockeying (DJ-ing), break dancing, graffiti art, and rapping (emceeing) are the avenues whereby hip-hoppers represent the sentiments of hip-hop (Marshall, 2006, p. 50). The movement has evolved from the streets of the Bronx into a highly commercially musical form with associated mega-franchises repeating the benefits of its success. Hip hop artists feature prominent among Americas top radio stations and on MTV. Hip hop has therefore moved from just a locally specific form to contain an international following (Bertram, 1999, p. 2). Rap has emerged as the most commercially successful aspect of hip hop and it is primarily through this expressive medium that the hip-hop culture is proliferated globally (Bennett, 1999, p. 2). Rap delineates a style of vocal representation in which rhyming lyrics are vocalized or rapped to the undertones of a continuous beat. This ‘breakbeat’ is created by a DJ who utilizes a twin-turntable record deck and combines portions of vinyl records into new music. Scratching is also a defining characteristic of rap music. Here on record is scratched to the beat of another record by using the needle on the record deck (Bennett, 1999, p. 2). Among the rap groups that were prominent during the initial development of hip hop Bennett (1999) notes the Zulu Nation which was formed by Afrika Bambaataa, a former member of a street gang. Hip-hop has now become an avenue for minorities to express social and political sentiments and to speak out against repressive systems. American hip-hop emerged as a successor to the civil rights and black power movements which sought to empower blacks in a racially segregated society. The musical form arose out of an effort to redirect resentment among the youth of the South Bronx away from gang fighting. The hip-hop movement therefore is inherently antagonistic to oppressive systems. The musical aspect of rap has been observed to encourage violence (Gordon, 2005, p. 367) and, according to Aidi (2004) it also brings pathology and dysfunction (p. 110). Its structure therefore makes it an area of contention among political actors who dislike the often negative, anti-establishment messages that it presents. Because of rap music’s particularly ‘gangsta rap’ support and promotion of violence, it has become a serious issue of concern for the white middle and upper classes which feel the most targeted by its messages. Hip-hop necessarily speaks to inner-city blacks, Latino youth and even white living in the suburbs who themselves have felt the effects of oppressive capitalist system. Hip hop’s prominence as a cultural form arises from its ability to connect intimately with the experiences of African-American youth since hip hop is about lending a voice to the otherwise underrepresented black community. As Bennett (1999) observes, hip hop ‘has always been and remains directly connected with the streets from which it came’ (p. 2). However hip hop is not strictly an African-American cultural form even though it has tended to be discussed exclusively in these terms. As hip hop developed it has been adopted by sections of the white US underclass who identify with the messages that it presents. While acknowledging that the hip hop movement did indeed emerge within the inner cities of America, Bennett (1999) suggests that its cultural resonance is not authentic to the experiences of African Americans within the inner city of the United States. Its broader roots are grounded in the historical situation of Africans in the diaspora. Therefore it is suggested that the real roots of hip hop is in the enslavement of Africans between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Even though the slave trade and slavery have long been abolished, blacks within Africa and former slave colonies, such as the West Indies, have continued to struggle against the capitalist regimes of Europe and now America. Blacks within these regions have been migrating into the UK and the US in order to escape political and religious persecution or to secure a better standard of living and better opportunities for themselves and their families (Bennett, 1999, p. 3). Hip hop, like other music forms, therefore represent an avenue whereby these individuals can communicate shared feelings through the message of music as well as encourage organization and mobilization. Within rap music, artistes attempt to undo the economic dependency of blacks and to speak out against cultural imperialism through the promotion of art forms that are distinctly Africa. Therefore it has become increasingly evident that hip hop no longer appeals solely to youth within the African-diaspora but it attracts youths from very diverse socio-cultural backgrounds (Bennett 1999, p. 4). Globalization of culture has facilitate the movement of the hip hop culture across national boundaries and has also caused the development of distinct local forms of this now international art form (Dennis, 2006, p. 271). Rap is believed to have arrived in Colombia in the 1980s soon after its upsurge in the US. This was possible because of the cross movement of Colombians into the United States. In Colombia hip hop has established its presence and popularity among the country’s urban youth. Devotees to rap are predominantly mestizos. Afro-Colombian rappers are changing traditional perceptions of ethnicity and race through the performance of music (Dennis, 2006, p. 271). Afro-Colombians identify with the oppressive feelings felt by African Americans and therefore rap music has a particular appeal for them. Most rappers are also from the lower socio-economic classes and many have lived under extreme poverty. Additionally in terms of education, many of the artistes that are attracted to hip hop within Colombia have not completed high school and none so far have had a university education (Dennis, 2006, p. 272). Youths within Colombia experience racial discrimination, particularly within urban centers where young black Colombians come into direct contact with the dominant culture and racist ideologies and behaviors (Dennis, 2006, p. 274). The music of rap has been reinterpreted within the Colombian scenario so as to emphasize the performers’ ethnic-racial identities as well as the cultural significance of their localities (Dennis, 2006, p. 271). Artistes have been mixing rap with Afro-Colombian folklore and other Latin American and Caribbean expressions such as salsa and reggae. They promote the rights of ethnic minorities and advocate their cultural, musical and racial identity. Like the Colombian masochistic views, rap in this country is also male-dominated. It becomes evident that the Colombian hip-hop culture generally maintains Western concepts of male roles. On the rap scene Afro-Colombian rappers promote leftist, anti-capitalist, and anti-globalization sentiments. Few deal with matters of race or examine the issue of racial discrimination within the Colombian context. Dennis (2006) observes that it is not till recently that a few Afro-Colombian rappers have been addressing racial concerns through music. Some black rappers in Colombia are now using rap to celebrate their ethnic and racial heritage and also pointing to racial discrimination. Within the UK particularly within Newcastle upon Tyne hip hop has attracted a white following. The area consists primarily of the white working class. There is a small population of Asian and Afro-Caribbean natives residing in the area but these groups have little or no impact on Newcastle’s cultural environment. A small hip hop-following community has emerged within Newcastle and a few outlying areas such as Gateshead, Blythe and Cramlington but it is equally of little general cultural impact. Hip hop in Newcastle has an essential whiteness to it (Bennett, 1999, p. 6). Black conscious sentiments are echoed here. The followers, though not personally affected by the same oppressive issues as blacks, find intimate connections with the concept of blackness echoed by hip hop music. Its themes are also of relevance to the white working class community. These followers do not believe that hip hop can be understood only in terms of the African-American context. They therefore try to represent hip hop as a medium through with they can express their views on issues by which they are affected on a daily basis. They embrace the view, therefore, that hip hop music is able to identify with the experiences of the white working class youth in Newcastle (Bennett, 1999, p. 10). Newcastle hip hoppers have developed a form of self-styled local hip hop. Hip hop is therefore being modified by the youths in Newcastle so that it becomes a more localize mode of expression so that it resounds with the nature of their own particular local circumstances (Bennett, 1999, p. 15). Within the Czech Republic the adaptation of hip hop is primarily an underground movement. This movement is influenced by dissatisfaction with the local drug culture. Hip hop in the Czech Republic is therefore quite distinct from the American form. Hip hoppers here oppose the flashy ‘bling-bling’ emphasis of the western form. It rather represents a mixture of foreign and local elements but which is distinctly unique. Only three of the four forms of hip hop have been successfully adapted and manipulated within the Czech Republic. Break-dancing is probably the most popular but spraying and rapping are also practiced. DJ-ing has not been possible because of the absence of the necessary technology. Furthermore the Czech form of hip hop necessarily preaches a different message because the majority of Czech youth do not understand the language used in American rap, even if they study English in school (Bertram, 2003, p. 42). This barrier has therefore resulted in hip hop within the Czech Republic developing, according to Bertram (2003), a different soul. Even in Jamaica, the home of reggae, hip hop has had a significant amount of influence (Marshall, 2006, p. 49). Dancehall music, a variant of reggae, is said to have developed based on the strong hip hop influence on the country’s music. REFERENCES Aidi, H. (2004, Jul-Dec). Verily, there is only one hip-hop umma: Islam, cultural protest and urban marginality. Socialism & Democracy, 18(2), 107-126. Bennett, A. (1999, Feb). Rappin’ on the Tyne: white hip hop culture in Northeast England: an ethnographic study. Sociological Review, 47(1), 1-25. Bertram, D. (2003, Spring). Czech hip Republic hop. New Presence: The Prague Journal of Central European Affairs, 5(1), 42-43. Dennis, C. (2006). Afro-Colombian Hip-Hop: Globalization, popular music and ethnic identities. Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, 25(271-295). Gordon, L. (2005, Oct-Dec). The problem of maturity in hip hop. Review of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural Studies, 27(4), 367-389. Marshall, W. (2006, Mar/Jun ). Bling-bling for Rastafari: How Jamaicans deal with hip-hop. Social & Economic Studies, 55(1 & 2), 49-74.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Crime in Our Society Essay

This is a painful fact we don’t want to face. There is no effective form to change character. All those qualities in life that makes us what we are also help us become criminals. Heredity and environment, interaction of the individual in society, the totality of human nature and experience. Crime reflects more than just the pitiful few that commit it, it reflects the character of society. How did these people capable of stealing a car, or mugging a cripple become that way? All that they are and all that they have experienced is what drove them to commit a crime. Crime is not just sordid happenings, it is human nature. People commit crime. Some think that man is essentially good, and that given the chance, he will develop as a benign being. Others conceive man to be essentially evil and believe that he must be controlled for his own protection and the existence of an ordered society. Crime is a â€Å"Carry On† type industry. It never stops and always keeps growing on. The society has its own rule. Our society says that â€Å"One is innocent until he or she is proven guilty† and it never gives unusual and cruel punishment. Actually the terrific truth is that society itself creates the criminals and laws are there for them to live free. Crime does not require any kind of education or work experience and there is not that much risk, so the person who has nothing to lose can easily choose crime as his or her career. Gun ownership as American Gun Culture describes looks at the masculinity side of why men own guns. Also explains that family legacy of gun ownership is often a factor in determining whether one will become a gun owner. Many of young people got their first guns as gifts from parents. In the US guns are very easily and non-complicating purchase. It is legal to buy and to own a gun or any other life threatening machine. When the parent had taken more care to teach and exemplify proper gun-handling skills and other firearms knowledge, there is a much greater chance that the recipient of this legacy will embrace (rather than reject) it. Gun collecting has many aspects, but most focus on the historic, technical or artistic merits of the arms which make them appealing to collectors. Some collectors cherish a rusty bayonet, or musket ball recovered from an old battlefield. Ammunition collectors delve into the minute details and has all kinds rituals and cleaning time is greatly involves. Some collectors seek to fill a collection with arms of a single maker, others of a single historic period, some concentrate on a specific caliber, or country of origin. Many just want to own guns that they like for various reasons. Many arms collectors enjoy shooting their guns, and many people interested in living history become arms collectors as an outgrowth of that hobby. While not purely collectors, they are potential future collectors, and their experiences can provide valuable information to collectors. Hunting as indicated is a fine reason to own a gun, or several guns. According to the FBI’s national crime statistics, 1.2 million violent crimes were committed in the United States in 2010. About the same as were committed in the US in 2009. These violent crimes include such crimes as murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. All saw declines nationally between 2009 and 2010. The largest decrease was in the number of reported robberies, dropping by 9.7% during this year. US crime statistics also report that property crimes saw a drop between 2009 and 2010, dropping from 9.08 million to 8.9 million in 2010. Property crimes include larceny, burglary and motor vehicle thefts. The rate of larcenies decreased the most, dropping by 6.98% since 2009.Ãâ€"268.jpg Many people wonder about the social effects of drug abuse. Drug abuse develops the social life of the addict, tearing apart his family, friendships and professional relationships, work which links with his or her occupation and mainly the behavior of the person. Without intervention, the drug addict can wind up alone, with the drug being his only â€Å"friend.† People who are addicted very often turn to crime as a means of paying for their addiction. This can involve stealing or fraud to obtain the funds necessary to bankroll their addiction. This can start with stealing from one’s partner, family or friends but can spread to include their employer or several organizations. Another aspect is that of the cost of maintaining a police force that have to deal with the after- effects of addiction. One such example and one that we hear a great deal about in the media is that of ‘binge drinking. People who have developed an addiction to alcohol very often engage in drunken, anti-social behavior, usually in town and city centers up and down the country. The police have the job of dealing with fights or semi-conscious people lying in the street which is due to the effects of excessive alcohol consumption. The majority of crime committed is Usually drug-related. Burglary, robberies are all ways of funding an addiction and the more serious the addiction the greater the chance of these being accompanied by violence. There are people who are so desperate to have a ‘fix’ or are completely controlled by their addiction that will do anything to service this. If this means using violence then they will do so. In this case their needs have overtaken any thoughts of rational or civilized behavior. They are not thinking of anyone else but themselves as they are consumed by their addiction. The changes that I think are important to focus on, and the solutions for them to tackle from bottom up are not as simple as it could be imagined. Well, I think that fixing the economy to assure as many people as possible are employed and you have much of the problem of crime resolved. Also finding a way to eliminate drugs from society would help attain the social crime issue. Think about all the crimes that can be associated with addiction: Drug trafficking. Drug dealing. Drug use, Robbery, Assault, Battery,Burglary,Rape. Domestic violence, Illegal weapons possession, Illegal weapons sales. The list goes on and on. This topic is not one of the easiest to tackle but if we eliminated one of the main reasons the crime appears in our society, it would definitely become a much safer place for us citizens to live in.

APN Professional Development Plan Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

APN Professional Development Plan - Coursework Example The APN development plan involves the practising nurses in America. The development plan will be limited to the register nurses who have acquired masters’ degree. The development focuses on the APN who have completed three years practising as nurses. The development plan is aimed to make sure that APNs are more competed and provide sufficient care to the patients. The scope of APN practise composes of the integrative, technical abilities and cognitive of the registered and qualified nurse to practise safe and ethical acts, protocols, procedures and practical guidelines. In respect to education, an APN must have a post graduate education in the field of nursing or in nursing. For effectiveness in work place the advance practising nurse are equipped with clinical education, skills, scope and knowledge of practise in nursing. The APN clinical practise is based on scientific matters and applicable to secondary, primary and tertiary settings of health care practise. The role of the APN involves the peer education and dimension of patient, clinical leadership and mentorship (Stanley, 2010). In work APN applies an integration of theory, experience and practise together with autonomy in intervention and judgement. The post graduate education is indented to teach the nurse to apply different approaches to manage individual’s or group’s care, make decision and collaborate effectively with the client in order to get the best outcome. The APN has four areas of specialization which a nurse is required to undertake. The specialization includes nurse anaesthetists, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives and clinical nurse specialists. The nurse anaesthetists are registered in United States under the certified registered nurse or CRNAs. The nurse midwives are registered under the CNMs certified nurse midwives in United States. Each nurse is allowed to concentrate in a certain speciality in healthcare. The APN roles are regulated and controlled by a specific